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The Impact You Make Comes from the Energy You Create


Updated: Feb 1, 2023

October 4, 2021

Recently, one of my spiritual sisters reached out to me to share her thoughts about our relations. She wrote,

“Dear Dr. Roz Roach,

Hope all is well. I am reaching out to you to extend my thanks and appreciation for the meaningful work your organization is committed and endeavour to continue in the community. Reading the messages you posted in your blog, I became further heartened by the words, they reached home, and I am once again reminded of the physical and mental health ordeals of my sister’s struggles. My sister has since transitioned after her long battle with soft tissue (Sarcoma) cancer that began inside her right ankle. At the age of 8 my sister's ankle was broken when she was running away from the perpetrator who had savagely molested her. He did not only take her childhood, he violated her entire life. The aftermath is where reality, trauma, and life mixed into one, and if the person chose to live life, the answer becomes how? That was my sister’s reality and existence.”

After reading this email and later having a chat with the writer, it became very evident that caring and initiating healing is a natural phenomenon.

The impact that you make on someone to initiate and promote healing comes from the energy you create and the way you channel the fumes.

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